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About the festival

About the festival

Copenhagen International Dance Festival celebrates dance in all its versatility every Spring. The festival presents an extensive programme and invites choreographers of different cultural backgrounds to rethink their distinctive works or create new work specifically for the diverse and unique locations and pockets of the city. A colourful palette of artists and spectacular international and national companies are presented through a long list of performances, workshops and artist talks. A big part of the festival program is heading out to meet our fellow citizens and audience at an array of different institutions and public spaces. Workshops and Masterclasses are facilitated for professional dancers and dancers in education. The goal for the festival is to develop and present dance art in all its artistic power and glory to a diverse audience.

Realisation of the festival is possible due to the magnificent support from collaborators and sponsors and a comprehensive cross-organisational and artistic collaboration that includes artists, companies, choreographers, dancers, NGOs, educational- and cultural institutions.

Welcome to Copenhagen International Dance Festival

Lotte Sigh & Morten Innstrand
Artistic Directors

A heartfelt thank you to the artists who have contributed to the festival through the years:

Gustavo Ramirez, Adrienn Hod/ Hodworks, Toula Limnaois, Emanuel Gat, Jarrko Mandelin, Emanuele Soavi, Liliana Barros, Marcio Canabarro, Adi Salant, Roberta Ferrara, Roberto Scafatti, Erika Cuccomazzo, Toby Fitzgibbons, Stefan Dellattre, Lidia Wos, Erling Eliasson, Jeanne Yasko, Jon Ole Olstad, Mads Blangstrup, Jens Schyth Brøndum, José Antonio Luque, Ask la Cour, Federica Esposito, Sebastian Kloborg, Charlotte Boye, Lucia Pasquini, Stefanos Bizas, Charlotte Khader, Christopher Arouni, Karen Ben-Shackar, Christina Manzani etc.

Om festivallen

Copenhagen International Dance Festival fejrer dans i al sin alsidighed hvert forår. Festivalen præsenterer et omfattende program og inviterer koreografer med forskellige kulturelle baggrunde til at gentænke deres særlige værker eller skabe et nyt værk specifikt til de mangfoldige og unikke steder og lommer i byen. En farverig palet af kunstnere og spektakulære internationale og nationale kompagnier præsenteres gennem en lang række forestillinger, workshops og dialoger. En stor del af festivalprogrammet tager ud for at møde vores medborgere og publikum på en række forskellige institutioner og i det offentlige rum. Workshops og Masterclasses presenters for professionelle dansere og dansere under uddannelse . Målet for festivalen er at udvikle og præsentere dansekunst i al sin kunstneriske kraft og glorværdighed for et bredt og stort publikum.

Realisering af festivalen er mulig på grund af den generøse støtte fra samarbejdspartnere og sponsorer og et omfattende tværorganisatorisk og kunstnerisk samarbejde, der inkluderer kunstnere, virksomheder, koreografer, dansere, ngo’er, uddannelses- og kulturinstitutioner.

Velkommen til Copenhagen International Dance Festival

Lotte Sigh & Morten Innstrand
Kunstneriske ledere