Drop-in for Professional Dancers
Copenhagen International Dance Festival is happy to offer Drop-in ballet classes for professional dancers.
Classes take place from monday -friday throughout the season September to June. Additional drop-in Contemporary Classes, workhops and masterclasses in regi of the festival will be announced here and on facebook.
Time: Monday, tuesday, thursday 9.00 -10.30 am & wednesday, friday 10.00 – 11.30 am.
Place: Dance Studio at Game, Enghavevej 82 D, 2450 Copenhagen.
The classes are organised with CCDS and ballet is mainly taught by the one and only Charlotte Khader from the Royal Danish Ballet. Contemporary Classes, workshops and masterclasses are taught by some of Europe’s amazing teachers and choreographers. All colleagues we are super proud to presend and to work with.
Price: 150 DKR pr class paid by mobilepay to +45 30 24 53 51 prior to the class. In case you dont have mobile pay you are welcome to pay in cash to the teacher or to make a bank transfer to Copenhagen Dance Arts. Info to be found at www.cidf.dk
Please feel free to follow this page for relevant news or any necessary last minute changes.
NB: In case of profit it will go directly to the yearly CIDF Dance Tour to hospitals, care facilities etc. bringing dance experiences to our fellow citizens around town.
Week 38
September 16th-22nd 2024
w. Charlotte Khader
Week 39
September 23rd - 25th
Week 40
September 30th - October 6th
Ballet with Charlotte Khader
Most ballet classes are taught by Charlotte Kader; a unique star at the Danish dance scene with an impressive career at The Royal Danish Ballet from 1992-2015. Charlotte is founder of Bella Speranza, is a sought-after educator and an exceptional mediator of dance at various institutions and events. The classes are organised with CCDS.