Hodworks Performance – Københavns Åbne Gymnasium – 12:00
About Hodworks:
Hodworks was founded by choreographer Adrienn Hód in 2007. Besides permanent members, the Budapest-based international company works with artists invited from different field of arts. Hodworks regroups sensible, proactive and forward-thinking creators having their own creative and concentrated working methods. They focus on the human body itself, liberated from any mediators, limits, sets or props. Hodworks pieces, always taking a new and progressive direction, are result of a long, creative body research based on improvisation, which appears in a strictly structured form on stage.
The performance lasts about 30 minutes followed by an Artists Talk for about 15 minutes where you have to opportunity to ask questions.
Made possible with support from:
#Københavns Kommune, #Louis-Hansen Fonden, #BeckettFonden, #DanishResearchFoundation & #KnudHøjgaardsFond